

Start from today
We go on our separate ways
Your life and mine let it end just here

Sorry, the time for loving you is over
I have suffered to get a room in your heart
And for this time I agree with you
You and I aren't made for each other
You've changed.
No, maybe I have changed
The time had changed me, like you've said ... 
Nothing is the same anymore

Sorry, I waste your time, my time, and our time ... 
For thinking that what we have is precious
Waste our time to match us back
The truth is all the things is just a pretense

I'm tired. No, not that I gave up my love
I just give a way for a decision ... Especially for me
And now it's time for me ... To be faithful to my self ... 
That nothing's wrong with me
I was just to blind to see the truth

Later if you meet me again take off your pretense .. I hate it
Start from today we go on our separate ways ....

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